
Airstream Inc. goes Europe

After Airstream had announced to produce a modell for the euroepan market, they have now published a first picture of it and they wil introduce it on the British National Boat Caravan & Outdoor Show in Birmingham this February. The Show runs from February 17 to 26, 2006. More Infos on the Airstream Europe Website or on the National Caravan and Boat Website

Hopefully they will come to mainland europe as well!


BTW: Copyright of the Picture by Airstream Inc.

Winter update!

Hello to all you out there!

If you think we quit restoring Dave - you are wrong!! Its more a short winter break due to the cold weather... Dave is in a Hangar on the Airfield of Stendal and the Hanger has no heating so the inside temperature is nearly the same like the outside temperature. We started to paint he frame with new anti-rust paint in silver and already have put in some new subfloor, but had to stop then and are now waiting for warmer weather. If you look at the pictures you can see that the floor is not fixed to the frame yet, we´ll probably do that this weekend.

Meanwhile we are still working on the new floorplan, which is the job of Bjoerns Mom, who is an interior designer and we hope that we can put it online next week.
It would be great to get some feedback on it then!
Another big project is the new wiring, which is a perfect job for the winter and what we do at moment too.

Maybe you like the new companion of Dave...

Its a 1942 Boeing Stearman which is in Winterstorage at the moment.